I wouldn't of known about Martha Stewart's cupcake show had I not read this from JustJenn's blog. I decided to make the Pure Cupcakes that were featured on her show. I liked the fact that she used parchment paper for cupcake liners. Here are my pictures:
It was a little messy but the batter that baked on the paper easily peeled off so you still can have a clean cupcake. I altered the recipe a bit with the self-rising and regular flour. The recipe was really close to the Magnolia recipe except it had an extra egg and used buttermilk instead of milk - plus there was a lot more of vanilla. A very good cupake.
Also, for my mom's b-day in January my sister and I bought cupcakes from Sibby's Cupcakery. We bought red velvet w/ cream cheese frosting. These were delicious and I think the best bought cupcake I've ever tried.