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the scarf looks so wonderful and warm!!!
I've had my eye on the simple sewing book too.....


oh i totally want to learn how to keep original hems on pants! i have a few pair of maternity pants that i have to hem too.

love the scarf! i so want to learn how to knit :). i think when i have some time off from work (when i'm on mat leave) i will *hopefully* take up knitting :).


love the cable scarf - your son is a patient model! i'm 5'3" - kinda tall by our standards here in hawaii; we have the same problem of having to hem pants too - my daughter is almost your height and her capri pants fit her just right as regular length pants....


I always chicken out on hemming my "nice" jeans. =) Cute scarf. And I can't wait for Lotta's book to hit the stores!


Congrats on learning how to hem jeans and pants! Your sock looks *awesome* and the scarf is lovely. You've been busy, Joyce!


I love your Phildar Swing Jacket, just beautiful, and your son's cable scarf looks great too. He is so cute. I also love the little pouches you made, and the malabrigo yarn looks just gorgeous. Arent ball winders so much fun. Love the way you incorporate contrasting paper in your pressies too, just great.


I too have to hem lately when I buy ladies jeans! Hate it, but I do it! The scarf looks so soft and love the color! The sock and jacket are looking good! Nice books! :)


I love that scarf!
How are those R&R jeans,anyway?


What a wonderful! scarf for your son - nice pattern choice, so cozy looking:) How (and where!) did you get your copy of Lotta's sewing book - it seems that it won't be released until a few weeks from now. Is the Simple Sewing book good too?


I was just going to ask where you got Lotta's book, you lucky thing??? Seems as if someone's beaten me to it.

Love those cables, aren't they fun to knit?

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