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Oh my gosh, 30? That's amazing. It takes me a week (or more) just to make one thing. They are beautiful.


Wow, Joyce. I'm paking pouches for Christmas presents and it's taking me forever. And I'm only making 9. I'm so in awe of you.


Wow, you have been working so hard and they look amazing! You should setup shop :)


that linen is gorgeous!


They look wonderful! I can't believe you made 30 of them - wow!


You rock. Love those prints.


they are fantastic! i am sure they will sell (or already sold!) like hotcakes!


They're lovely! Your office is going to love them.

Where do you get so many zippers? I would love to give away more zippered bags, but at $1-2 zippers a pop it starts to add up! I'm waiting for a 4 for $1 sale, but if there's a place where they're always cheap, I'd love to know (even though I don't live in SF; I can have someone buy them for me!)


Okay..I'm getting whatever you have left. They're so cute! Wish you had more. I can't wait to see your spring collection. Thanks Joyce! Pleasure to meet and do business with you! ;)

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wow, so many!!! that is wonderful and they look just dreamy dreamy!!! i love the wrapping tutorial!!!! thx so much for sharing!

best wishes on the show!

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